Montag, 30. Juli 2012

DE MARTINI (マルティーニ) J-608

heavenly blue dress like the italian sky with a jacket that reminds on grapefruit ice cream

Oderzo is an ancient city in Veneto, Italy not far from Venice. The centro storico, or town center, is rich with archeological ruins which give insight into Oderzo's history as a notable crossroad in the Roman Empire.

With its beautiful old streets and liveliest of neighborhoods, inspiration is all around Gothic building are highly decorated frescoes (Fresco), and adorned through the remaining influences from the Middle Ages, uniting us with the modern remnants of prosperity of the present.

It includes the remains of a Middle Ages prison (Porta Pretoria), whose most famous guest was the trobadour Sordello da Goito.

light pink long hair with cutting edge hair style and a red beret highlights the entire look

The actual street address was named after Alberto Martini, an Italian painter, engraver, illustrator and graphic designer of the early 20th century. His museum is located on Via Garibaldi in a Renaissance palace of the 15th century.

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